Foe at Sanaga-Yong !

Publié le 17 Août 2014

Foe at Sanaga-Yong !

We just saw 12-year-old Foe swinging a stick like a machete to clear the grass from a nice shady sitting spot at the edge of the forest in his enclosure. He was imitating the way his caregivers use their machetes to clear grass along the fence lines. Then Foe took a shorter stick to sharpen his “machete” imitating exactly the motion that his caregivers use with their sharpening files. Foe is very intelligent, and very cute!
Foe was orphaned and taken from the forest by a poacher in 2003. He has lived at Sanaga-Yong Rescue Center since August of that year.
Photo courtesy of Jacques Gillon.


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