Bouboule's Story

Publié le 31 Janvier 2015

Bouboule's Story

The history of Bouboule and Dorothy is Sanaga-Yong’s sweetest adoption story. Having been initially kept as a “pet”, Bouboule arrived at Sanaga-Yong a clingy, scared and insecure baby. He needed more mothering than other infants his age and never seemed to get enough love. Dorothy, an older female who had been kept on a neck chain for more than 25 years, never had a chance to be a mother. She had a very low status in her group and was always picked on. However upon adopting Bouboule as her son, she began asserting herself to stand up for him and gained considerable respect. Motherhood came naturally for Dorothy and the two were inseparable for many years until Dorothy passed away in 2008.

Today Bouboule remains in Jacky’s group of twenty-two. Although challenging as an adolescent, he has mellowed as a young adult and his friends include well-respected and liked Bikol. Photo courtesy of Jacques Gillon
Happy Birthday Bouboule!


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